Jamey's Oasis

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Spring: New Beginnings

Ok, so I love spring now that I have my own yard. I have flowers popping up, a great porch, and I even planted my own grass seed over the weekend. Every Heinzman green thumb gene in me is coming out at full force. My neighbors were wondering why I was so intent of getting all the dandelions out my yard, and I am always out there looking for any twig or branch that falls down. I will have the yard to envy!! That is my goal, I want my yard to be the one in which all others try to measure up against.. If you knew my grandpa boots or my dad, you will understand my madness!!

Well, enjoy the pictures for Easter and my flowers...

Katie, Jordan and the my future sister-in-law Jenny Rose

Easter at Grandma's, it was a just a tad windy!! We can't see Dad, someone's hair is in the way.. LOL

My flowers.. and don't worry, I am trying to fix the patchy grass..

Monday, April 10, 2006

The 80's Party

Sorry, it has taken so long to post these pictures..
For those who don't know, for my 27th birthday I had a 80's party. It was a ton of fun, and lots of laughter. It was a night of one hit wonders, lots of monster ballads, some spontenous dancing and some "good" renditions of Posion songs (air guitar and all).

There was some candy from our childhood, candy necklaces, candy rings, bubblelicious gum, and pixie sticks. I wanted some pop rocks but couldn't find them anywhere, they sacred me as a child they probally would do the same now. But I think everyone had a great time.. Thank you all for coming and making my entrance in my "late" 20's bearable!!!

Heather, Jeff and Me!! Thank you guys for coming!!

Jamey & Jamie! (yes, I am wearing a candy necklace)

Jamey & Julie (Julie, I love ya, but those clothes, represented the "bad" parts of the 80's) But I love ya for wearing them!

Shannon, Tiffany x 2 and Jamey (I think my barbie had the same dress Shannon is wearing!)

Thanks guys for being such good sports and dressing up (and yes, pegging your pants did count!)